Are You a Strategic Leader? How to Reclaim Strategic Time

Strategic leaders are worth their weight in gold.

Take Steve Jobs, for instance. When he returned to Apple in the late 1990s, the company was struggling due to a lack of strategic direction. Jobs refocused Apple on long-term strategy, cutting down the product line and concentrating on innovation. By allocating strategic time to the development of products like the iMac, iPod, and later the iPhone, Apple transformed into the global powerhouse it is today.

Unfortunately, there are more non-strategic leaders than strategic ones. That might sound harsh, but I hear it almost every week from corporate leaders who tell me they are too caught up in day-to-day operations to focus on the big picture. They’re frustrated that tactical distractions prevent them from driving their business units forward.

But what if it’s actually a productivity issue and an opportunity?

Let me share the story of Mark, a strategic HR leader at a major Australian bank. Some time ago when I arranged a meeting through his Personal Assistant (who was an outstanding “gatekeeper” if ever there was), I half didn’t expect Mark to make time for me. But to my surprise, Mark, a “big wig” in a high-profile role, agreed to meet for 20 minutes. He wanted to discuss a strategic initiative.

During our meeting, Mark revealed how his business unit delivered on strategic objectives while his peers didn’t because they were bogged down in day-to-day operations.

That was a perfect segue for me to ask Mark what the secret was…

What Mark shared stuck with me.

Mark opened his Outlook Calendar which was heavily populated with his strategic projects. Mark explained that he doesn't leave time to be distracted with the day-to-day operational issues because his role was a strategic regional role.

Mark empowered his direct reports to handle the day-to-day operational. Mark went on to explain if a direct report was desperate for help with operational issues, then he would make time for them as an exception rather than the rule.

In other words, what got Mark’s attention is what he planned and scheduled.

Simple, brilliant execution.

Now, you might be thinking, "That won’t work for me because my role isn’t as clear-cut."

And you might be right, but let’s flesh it out a bit further. What’s getting in your way from allocating more time to the strategic aspects of your role?

Is it:

  • Time Management Issues: Constantly feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day, struggling to allocate time effectively between competing priorities, or feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks?

  • Email Overload: Inundated with emails and unable to keep up, leading to missed or delayed responses, or feeling that managing emails takes up too much productive time?

  • Meeting Fatigue: Too many meetings that disrupt workflow, seem unproductive, or consume valuable time? Difficulty prioritising which meetings are truly necessary?

  • Constant Interruptions: Frequent disruptions that break concentration and prevent significant progress on tasks?

  • Conflicting Priorities: Struggling to decide which tasks or projects are most important, balancing short-term urgent tasks with long-term strategic goals, or being pulled in multiple directions by different stakeholders?

  • Delegation Challenges: Hesitancy to delegate tasks due to trust issues or lack of confidence in team members, feeling it’s quicker to do tasks yourself, or being overburdened by trying to handle everything alone?

  • Procrastination: Difficulty starting or completing tasks, especially those that are less interesting or more challenging, or constantly putting off tasks until the last minute?

  • Decision Paralysis: Overwhelmed by the number of decisions to make daily, struggling to make confident decisions quickly, or worrying about the consequences?

  • Lack of Focus: Difficulty maintaining focus due to distractions or multitasking, or feeling you’re not as productive as you could be?

  • Burnout: Feeling physically and mentally exhausted due to constant pressure, worrying that your work pace is unsustainable, or experiencing a lack of motivation?

  • Team Management Difficulties: Challenges in effectively managing and motivating your team, balancing the needs of the team with your own workload, or worrying that your team isn’t performing at its best?

  • Lack of Personal Development: Feeling you’re not growing or learning as much as you’d like, concern about falling behind in your industry or skills, or worrying you’re not investing enough time in professional development?

These productivity challenges, if left unchecked, can quietly erode your effectiveness and your ability to lead strategically.

Reclaiming control of your time isn’t just about managing your calendar; it’s about amplifying your impact and ensuring that your leadership drives meaningful results.

If you’re ready to overcome these obstacles and elevate your strategic influence, let’s have a confidential chat. Together, we can unlock the time you need to make a bigger impact in your role.

Reach out, and let’s get started.


A Slip, a Misstep, and a Lesson Learned